As we know that Selenium is a suite of tools to automate browsers. There is no installable available for selenium webdriver as it is just a jar file which needs to be configured in eclipse IDE before starting to write your test cases in selenium. In this post I will outline the steps to configure selenium webdriver in eclipse IDE.
1. Download selenium Webdriver Jars from Selenium HQ website (, extract them and place in C:\drive
2. If you do not have eclipse installed download eclipse IDE from and install it.
3. Launch eclipse
4. Click on File->New->Java Project
5. Enter Project Name “FirstWebdriverProject “ and click Finish button.
6. Right click on the Project Root Folder and click on Build Path – >Configure Build Path
7. Click on the Libraries tab.
8. Click on button “Add external Jars”.
9. Browse to the location where you have extracted the selenium server jar and click open.
10. Click on OK. You should be able to see selenium jars in the Referenced Libraries.
11. That’s it!! Your Selenium WebDriver is now configured in eclipse IDE.